

Bosman Watermanagement in Piershil has been active in polder drainage since 1929. Initially on a small scale, but over the course of almost a century it has grown into a full size company with approximately fifty employees.
Bosman 1929 werkplaats Pand geschiedenis 2

The main activity of Bosman Watermanagement is the design and realisation of polder pumping stations and treatment plants.

Since 1929, Bosman has been producing iron windmills, which are spread all over the world. A few decades later, Molenbouw Bosman started to manufacture pumping installations and water treatment plants and changed its name to Bosman Waterbeheersing en Milieuverbetering B.V.

From 1990 the company operated for eight years under the Stork flag, after which it became independent again in 1998.

Today, Bosman Watermanagement is an engineering-to-order company. The customer has a problem, the company Bosman comes up with and implements the solution. This is done in such a way that it is closely linked to the specific situation and problems of the customer, in other words, a tailor-made solution.
